Seniors Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

BFGC Seniors v Erewash Valley GC Home Match Result Monday 19th June 2023

News article for the Seniors Section

BFGC Seniors v  Erewash Valley GC Home Match Result Monday 19th June 2023

BFGC Seniors v Erewash Valley GC Home Match Result Monday 19th June 2023

After a slight panic about being able to get a team together earlier in the month, it all came together very well on the day. Massive thunderstorms the night before meant the bunkers were out of play but the weather was magnificent and no interruptions were incurred during the game. The course and our new terrace were complimented on by our visitors which is always nice to hear. I sat in the captain's seat again and we managed to achieve a win. The final result was Beeston 7 and Erewash Valley 1. Thank you to all who took part, especially the last-minute subs. The full results are below

Venue: Beeston Fields GC Monday 19th June 2023

1         John Simpson (Capt) & Andy Cunnigham
           Won 4 & 3
2         Ray Stevenson & Greg Duthie
           Won 6 & 5
3        Tony Gilbert & Matt Lavelle
           Won 4 & 3
4        Dave Bonser & Dave Knowles
           Won 7 & 6
5         Richard Bursztyn & Steve Bryan
           Won 2 & 1
6         Anil Patani & Paul Pike
           Won 1 Up
7         Dave Bull & Bob Mercer
           Lost 5 & 3
8         Stuart Thomson & Chris Spilsbury
           Won 2 & 1

Beeston Fields 7    Erewash Valley GC

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Date published: Tue 20th Jun 2023
Author: John Simpson
Updated: Tue 20th Jun 2023