General Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

2024 Scratch Matchplay Final

News article for the General Section

2024 Scratch Matchplay Final

Congratulations to Pete Benson, who won the Scratch Matchplay final, beating Ben Adams on the 35th hole after a closely fought match over two days. As the photo shows, the weather was kind, particularly for the second day on Monday 16th.

Eagle eyed members may notice that Pete is pictured holding the Scratch Cup, rather than the Scratch Matchplay trophy, for which you can blame the match referee who managed to get the wrong one out of the cabinet!! He'll get the correct one, shown off by Jake in the second image from 2023,  and a proper photo on Presentation Night.

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Date published: Tue 17th Sep 2024
Author: Geoff Bryan
Updated: Tue 17th Sep 2024