General Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

2023 Men's Eclectic & Gosling Final Standings

News article for the General Section

2023 Men's Eclectic & Gosling Final Standings

2023 Men's Eclectic & Gosling Final Standings

The final standings in the summer running Eclectic events can be found by following the links below.  All Saturday and Thursday Medal rounds (excluding Honours Board events) qualify.

Congratulations to Robert Jones for winning the nett eclectic by one shot from Adrian Firth, Drew Armstrong and Andy Lowe.

Click here for full results

Congratulations to Jake Benson, winner of the gross eclectic, by 3 shots from Gurdip Mattharu, then Ashley Stevenson.

Click here for full details

 The final standings in the Gosling Trophy (best 6 aggregate gross/nett scores in the same events) can be found by following the links below.  Congratulations to Jake Benson, clear winner of the gross prize with an aggregate of 413 (13 under par gross) for his best 6 rounds.  Congratulations to Mark Coolin, winner of the nett prize with an aggregate nett score of 421 (5 under par nett) from Tony Stumpf, then Jake Benson and Glyn Cartledge

Click here for final gross standings

Click here for final nett standings

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Date published: Mon 23rd Oct 2023
Author: Steve Bryan
Updated: Mon 23rd Oct 2023