General Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Temporary Local Rule - Exposed Bunker Liners

News article for the General Section

Temporary Local Rule - Exposed Bunker Liners

Temporary Local Rule - Exposed Bunker Liners

Occasionally there ar incidences when a bunker liner is exposed and the ball lands on or adjacent to the bunker liner.  The following Local Rule, which ensures  free relief by dropping the ball in the bunker within one club length, not nearer the hole, is introduced with immediate effect and will remain in force until further notice.

Temporary Local Rule under Rule 16.1c

An exposed bunker liner is classified as an Abnormal Course Condition .  Therefore, if a player's ball comes to rest on or adjacent to a bunker liner the player may take relief uner Rule 16.1c.  Note that relief is not available under this Local Rule if the liner only interferes with the player's stance.

The Committee

28th August 2024

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Date published: Wed 28th Aug 2024
Author: Steve Bryan
Updated: Wed 28th Aug 2024