General Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Lady Captain's Charity Day

News article for the General Section

Lady Captain's Charity Day

Lady Captain's Charity Day

On Tuesday 13th August, I am holding my Lady Captain’s charity day.

This is mixed AM AM competition with a 10am shotgun start. The men will play from the red tees with 75% handicap. It will be the best lady and the best man’s score to count on each hole.

The golf will be followed by lunch, prize giving and a raffle.

We do need a few male volunteers to make up the teams  and so there will be sheets on both the ladies notice board and also on the senior men’s notice board from Monday 22nd July. Please sign up, either as an individual or as a pair and we will match the men with the ladies to create the teams. It’s always a fun day, with mulligans available to purchase in case of any wayward golf shots!.

I really hope you can join us.

Lady Captain

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Date published: Mon 22nd Jul 2024
Author: Geoff Bryan
Updated: Mon 22nd Jul 2024