Tournament information for the Seniors Section
Entries are via the Club V1 Site go to Knockouts
Entries close on the 24th March 2025
Seniors' Pairs draw for 2025. (Max Playing Handicap = 36)
Betterball Matchplay Competition, Handicap = Course Handicap. 90% difference is taken from the Lowest Player's Handicap. [i.e low handicap player 10 - High handicap player 20- difference 10. 90% difference = 9 shots recieved from low handicap player.
Matches to be played from White Pots and mid-week, please submit your results to Keith Evans by submitting the form below
Players must play in at least 2 Senior competitions in the current year to win a prize in the Knockout Competitions.
Matches are to be played by the dates shown just underneath the Round shown. Extensions to the play-by date will only be agreed under exceptional circumstances, by the Competitions Manager - Mr A Carruthers or Competition Organiser - Mr K Evans.