Seniors Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Seniors Competition Results

Below are results for all seniors competitions

Congratulations to Lance Rosie on winning Division 1 in the Stableford competition on Thursday the 2nd of June 2022 with a great score of 41 points.  Phil Hudson took the honours in Division 2 with a score of 39 points. Full results are below 

Division 1 up to 15 Playing Handicap

1st        Lance Rosie               41 points  £18
2nd     Phil Mawson              37 points £15
3rd      Dan Duthie                35 points £12 (B9 19)
4th      Alasdair Carruthers 35 points £10 (B9 15)
5th      Richard Grewcock   34 points £8 (B9 17)

Division 2 16+ Playing Handicap

1st       Phil Hudson              39 points £18
2nd     Paul Allen                  36 points £15 (B9 19)
3rd      Gordon Wibberley   36 points £12 (B9 15)
4th     Charlie McParland   35 points £10 (B9 20)
5th     John Simpson           35 points £8  (B9 16)

63 Players took part

Card draw (using a random number generator)

Anil Patani        £5
Peter Bull         £5
Dave walters   £5
Mick McClure £5
John Hawley  £5
Paul Grainger £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course

Just a reminder that in the First Division handicaps will be up to 15 playing handicaps and the Second Division will be 16+ handicaps. This will be continually reviewed to achieve equity in the distribution of prizes.

Jack Chettle Trophy Winner

Tony Merrin was the Winner of the Jack Chettle Trophy on the 19th of May 2022 with a great score of 44 points. His name will now go on the Seniors Honours Board in the Foyer and will be presented with the Trophy on our presentation day in November (or earlier if possible)

Division 1 up to 17 Playing Handicap

1st        Tony Merrin                44 points £20
2nd     Lance Rosie                41  points £16
3rd      Graham Bielby          39 points £14 (B1 2)
4th      Richard Bursztyn       39 points £12 (B1 1)
5th      Mike Gilbert                38 points £10 (B6 12)

Division 2 18+ Playing Handicap

1st       Bill Lobley                    39 points £16
2nd     Mel Kelly                     38 points £14
3rd      Paul Allen                   37 points £12
4th     Peter Bull                     36 points £10

58 Players took part

Card draw (using a random number generator)

Steve Hawley        £5
Adrian Firth           £5
Phil Mawson         £5
Stu Newland         £5
Kevin Murray        £5
John Bushell         £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course

Because of an imbalance between the numbers playing in the first and second divisions. The prize money has been adjusted pro-rata to reflect this. In order to equalise this difference in the future, the First Division Handicap will be up to 15 playing handicaps and the Second Division will be 16+ handicaps. This will be continually reviewed to achieve equity in the distribution of prizes.

1st    Pete Evans, Keith Evan & Gordon Wibberley               63.7  £10 each 
2nd  John Simpson, Bill Lobley & Phil Harrison                    63.8  £9 each
3rd   Anil Patani, Dave Bull & Richard Grewcock                 63.9  £8 each

Only 38 Players took part which is reflected in the prize money

Card draw £5 each (using a random number generator)
Lance Rosie
Ken Wong
Paul Allen
Dave Bonser

All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course

Seniors Singles Medal (2)  5th May Result

Division 1 up to 17 Playing Handicap

1st    Gordon Carrington    84         16         68                    £16
2nd Rob Newman              82          13         69                    £14
3rd  Richard Bursztyn        80         10         70    (B6 )       £12
4th John Abbiss                  80         10         70    (B6)        £10
5th John Swan                     85         13         72                    £8

Division 2 18+ Playing Handicap    

1st    Bill Litchfield               90         20        70   (B9 34)    £16
2nd  Peter Fedorow           89          19        70   (B9 38)    £14
3rd  Terry Unwin                 92          20        72   (B9 34)    £12
4th Tony Merrin                  90          18        72   (B9 35)     £10
5​​​th Drew Armstrong         91           18        73                     £8

60 Players took part 
1 Disqualified Card Not Signed

Card draw (using a random number generator) 

Kelvin Wright      £5 
Dave Betteridge £5    
Paul Grainger     £5 
Tim Lau                £5    
Vincent Dale       £5 
Wayne Nixon      £5       

Showing 73 to 76 of 76 Result(s)