Below are results for all seniors competitions
Congratulations to Richard Grewcock on winning Division 1 in the Medal competition on Thursday the 21st of September 2023 with a nett score of 71.
Martin Mellor took the honours in Division 2 with an excellent nett score of 65, Full details are below:-
2023 MEDAL FInals
Well Done to Stu Newland on Winning this year's Medal Finals with a nett score of 71.
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Richard Grewcock 81 10 71 (B9 34) £18
2nd Stu Newland 80 9 71 (B9 35) £16
3rd Dave Walters 86 15 71 (B9 38) £14
4th Drew Armstrong 88 16 72 (B9 34) £12
5th Gordon Carrington 88 16 73 (B9 37) £10
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Martin Mellor 86 21 65 £18
2nd Robert Jones 102 36 66 £16
3rd James Sheilds 89 17 72 £14
4th Mick Orton 94 21 73 £12
5th Peter Bowler 96 21 75 £10
57 Players took part
Card draw (using a rand6om number generator)
Terry Unwin £5
David Harrison £5
Dan Duthie £5
Bill Hurrell £5
Dennis Hawksworth £5
Matt Lavelle £5
All wins will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to the 18 players who braved the rain on Thursday 14th September for yhe Seniors Men's Stableford No 6 . Especialy Andy Cunninghan On winning the 1st div prize with a score of 39 points. The winner of the division 2 prize was Bob Mercer with a score of 33 points The full results are below
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Andy Cunningham 39 points £12
2nd Glynn Carthedge 34 points £10
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Bob Mercer 33 points £12
2nd John Sallis 42 points £10 (B9 16)
18 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Dave Bull £5
RObert Jones £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Richard Bursztyn on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Stableford Competition on Thursday 7th September 2023 with a score of 39 points.. Also, congratulations to Bill Litchfield on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a very good score of 42 points. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Richard Bursztyn 38 points £16
2nd Dave Hailwood 38 points £14
3rd John Hawley 37 points £12 (B9 21)
4th Graham Pretty 37 points £10 (B9 19)
5th Tony Gilbert 36 points £ 8 (B9 18)
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Bil Litchfield 42 points £16
2nd Keith Evans 41 points £14
3rd Bob Mercer 37 points £12
4th John Simpson 36 points £10
5th Terry Unwin 35 points £ 8 (B9)
52 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Phil Gardie £5
Bill Lobley £5
Dave Bonser £5
Dave Bushell £5
Kieran Kelly £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Stu Newland on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Medal Competition on Thursday 24th August 2023 with a Nett score of 69. Also, congratulations to Chris Spilsbury on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a nett score of 68. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Stu Newland 75 9 69 £18
2nd Steve Schofield 80 10 70 (B9 36) £16
3rd Steve Wilson 85 15 70 (B9 39) £14
4th Phil Marriott 78 7 71 £12
5th Dave Hailwood 83 11 72 £10
6th Tony Gilbert 86 13 73 £ 8
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Chris Spilsbury 92 24 68 £18
2nd Dennis Hawksworth 92 23 69 (B9 34) £16
3rd Les Hutchinson 89 20 69 (B9 35) £14
4th Paul Beeby 96 27 69 (B9 36) £12
5th Terry Unwin 91 19 72 £10
6th James Shields 91 19 72 £ 8
62 Players took part
Card draw (using a rand6om number generator)
Keith Evans £5
Mark Robinson £5
Julien Davies £5
Bill Lobley £5
Mike Gilbert £5
Ian Golledge £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to John Abbiss on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Stableford No 4 Competition on Thursday 17th August 2023 with 38 points. Also, congratulations to Derek Robbins on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a good score of 40 points. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st John Abbiss 38 points £18
2nd Tony Gilbert 37 points £16 (B9 19)
3rd Andy Lowe 37 points £14 (B9 17)
4th Dan Duthie 36 points £12 (B6 13)
5th Dave Walters 36 points £10 (B3 5)
6th Steve Wilson 36 points £8 (B3 4)
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Derek Robbins 40 points £18
2nd Paul Beeby 36 points £16
3rd Dave Bettridge 35 points £14 (B9 18)
4th Patrick Galligan 35 points £12 (B9 171
5th Bob Mercer 35 points £10 (B9 141
6th Phil Gardie 34 points £8 (B9 )
66 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
James Shields £5
Dave Bonser £5
Phil Marriott £5
Kwan Wong £5
Dave Halstead £5
Richard Bursztyn £5
Richard Grewcock £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Gordon Carrington & Mark Tomlin on winning the Pairs Texas scramble competition on Thursday 3rd of August 2023 with a nett score of 65.8 , Full results are below
1st Gordon Carrington & Mark Tomlin 65,8 £16 each
2nd Graham Pretty & Richard Grewcock 66.9 £14 each
3rd Keith Evans & Phil Gardie 67.2 £12 each (B9 34.6)
4th Phil Marriott & Alasdair Carruthers 67.2 £10 each (B9 37.1)
5th Adrian Firth & James Shields 68.55 £8 each
50 Players took part
Card draw (Random)
Stev Schofield £5
Vic Plumb £5
Robert Jones £5
Keki Ashburner £5
Ken Thurman £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Phil Marriott on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Medal Competition on Thursday 20th July 2023 with a Nett score of 67. Also, congratulations to Derek Robbins on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a fantastic nett score of 64. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Phil Marriott 75 8 67 £16
2nd Ian Golledge 74 6 68 £14
3rd Drew Armstrong 86 16 70 (B9 33) £12
4th John Abbiiss 79 9 70 (B9 35) £10
5th Richard Grewcock 81 14 71 £ 8
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Derek Robbins 85 21 64 £16
2nd Bob Mercer 94 28 66 £14
3rd Anil Patani 90 19 71 (B9 35) £12
4th John Sallis 97 26 71 (B9 39) £10
5th Les Hutchinson 93 20 69 £ 8
51 Players took part
Card draw (using a rand6om number generator)
Mike Gilbert £5
Terry Unwin £5
Malc Belshaw £5
Dave Bull £5
Dave Bonser £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Mike Gilbert on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Medal Competition on Thursday 13th July 2023 with a Nett score of 68. Also, congratulations to Les Hutchinson on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a nett score of 69, narrowly beating 4 others on the back nine The full results are below
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Mike Gilbert 79 11 68 £16
2nd Vincent Dale 83 13 70 (B9 36) £14
3rd Ian Golledge 76 6 70 (B9 37) £12
4th Alasdair Carruthers 77 7 70 (B9 38) £10
5th Graham Pretty 86 14 72 £ 8
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Les Hutchinson 90 21 69 (B9 34) £16
2nd Dave Bettridge 88 19 69 (B9 35) £14
3rd Richard Cook 88 19 69 (B9 36) £12
4th Bob Mercer 98 29 69 (B9 37) £10
5th Drew Armstrong 86 17 69 (B9 37) £ 8
49 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Peter Bull £5
Keki Ashburner £5
Ken Thurman £5
Tony Merrin £5
Stuart Thomson £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Stuart Thomson on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Stableford No 3 Competition on Thursday 6th July 2023 with 38 points. Also, congratulations to his playing partner Malc Belshaw on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a great score of 42 points. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Stuart Thomson 38 points £18
2nd Steve Wilson 34 points £16 (B9 21)
3rd John Hawley 34 points £14 (B9 20)
4th Kwan Wong 34 points £12 (B9 19)
5th Dave Bonser 34 points £10 (B9 17)
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st MalcBelshaw 42 points £18
2nd Bill Lobley 37 points £16 (B9 211
3rd John Sallis 37 points £14 (B9 18)
4th Derek Robbins 36 points £12
5th Anil Patani 35 points £10
58 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Phil Harrison £5
Dave Bull £5
Gordon Carrington £5
Steve Schofield £5
John Abbiss £5
Alasdair Carruthers £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Stuart Thomson & Tony Gilbert on winning the Senior Captains Tray Competition on Thursday 22nd June 2023 with a Brilliant score of 48 points. As this was an Honours Board Trophy they will again be presented with the Tray at our Annual Review and Presentations Day in November and their names will be added to the Senior Honours Board in the Foyer. The full results are below
1st Stuart Thomson & Tony Gilbert 48 £20 each
2nd Phil Marriott & Alasdair Carruthers 45 £16 each
3rd Steve Wilson & Dennis Hawksworth 44 £13 each
4th Ken Thurman & (Steve Wilson) 43 £11 Ken Thurman only
44 Players took part
Card draw (you had to be there)
Stu Newland £5
Paul Grainger £5
Dave Bishell £5
Drew Armstrong £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card when the Treasurer is back from holiday
Congratulations to Drew Armstrong on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Medal No 3 Competition on Thursday 15th June 2023 with a Nett score of 70 narrowly beating Richard Bursztyn on the back nine. Also, congratulations to Ken Thurman on winning Division 2 of the above competition with the best Nett score of the day 68 The full results are in the results section.
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Drew Armstrong 85 15 70 (B9 35) £16
2nd Richard Burzstyn 79 9 70 £14
3rd Ian Colledge 77 6 71 £12
4th Tony Gilbert 85 13 72 (B6 22) £10
5th Tony Stumf 81 9 72 £ 8
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Ken Thurman 97 29 68 £16
2nd Paul Allen 89 19 70 (B9 35) £14
3rd John Simpson 93 23 70 £12
4th MattLavelle 91 20 71 (B9 41) £10
5th Robert Jones 107 36 71 £ 8
51 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Ron Owen £5
Bob Mercer £5
Kev Murray £5
Dennis Hawksworth £5
Terry Randle £5
Phil Mawson £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card when the Treasurer is back off holiday
Congratulations to Mike Gilbert on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Stableford No 2 Competition on Thursday 1st June 2023 with 37 points. Also, congratulations to Malcolm Leivers on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a great score of 40 points. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 16 Playing Handicap
1st Mike Gilbert 37 points £18
2nd Kevin Murray 36 points £16
3rd Alasdair Carruthers 35 points £14
4th Ronald Owen 34 points £12 (B9 )
5th Dave Harwood 34 points £10 (B9 16)
Division 2 17+ Playing Handicap
1st Malcolm Leivers 40 points £18
2nd Kelvin Dudley 35 points £16 (B9 121
3rd Gordon Carrington 35 points £14 (B9 19)
4th Bill Litchfield 33 points £12 (B9 18)
5th Tony Merrin 29 points £10 (B9 14)
57 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Robert Jones £5
Tony Stumpf £5
Andy Lowe £5
Julien Ennis £5
Drew Armstrong £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Andrew Hunt on winning the Jack Chettle Trophy on Thursday the 18th of May 2023 with a score of 40 points Also congratulations to Dave Bonser on winning Division 1 with a score of 37 points (B9 19) The full results are below
We are finding a greater number of members playing in Division 1. In order to balance out the divisions we are changing the handicaps for each division. Going forward Division 1 will be up to 16 Playing Handicaps and Division 2 will be 17+ playing Handicaps.
Division 1 up to 17 Playing Handicap
1st Dave Bonser 37 points £18 B9 19)
2nd Richard Grewcock 37 points £16 (B9 17)
3rd Charlie McParland 36 points £14
4th Wayne Nixon 35 points £12 (B9 17)
5th Steve Schofield 35 points £10 (B9 16)
Division 2 18+ Playing Handicap
1st Andrew Hunt 40 points £25 Trophy Winner
2nd Bill Lobley 36 points £16 (B6 13)
3rd Malcolm Leivers 36 points £14 (B6 12)
4th Kelvin Dudley 34 points £12 (B9 16)
5th Steve D'Arcy 34 points £10 (B9 15)
64 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Drew Armstrong £5
Dennis Hawkeworth £5
Vince Dale £5
Graham Bielby £5
Kev Murray £5
Chris Young £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Dave Bull & Drew Armstrong (photo on Roll of Honour)on winning the Guy Birkin Cancer Research Cup on Thursday the 11h of May 2023 with a nett score of 24 points on a reduced 9-hole competition (due to the weather). Also, a big thank you to Chris Tunniclifee for sponsoring the competition which raised £260 for Cancer Research UK Full results are below
1st Dave Bull & Drew Armstrong 24 £30 each
2nd Marcus Beale & Anil Patani 21 £18 each
3rd Rob Neman & Graham Pretty 20 (B6 14) £16 each
4th Robert Jones & Paul Grainger 20 (B6 12) £14 each
5th Richard Grewcock and Alasdair Carruthers 19 (B6 15) £12 each
Nearest the Pin Prizes Phil Mawson & Adrian Firth
52 Players took part
Phil Mawson £5
Terry Unwin £5
Pete Evans £5
John Sallis £5
Wayne Nixon £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Kwan Wong on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Medal No 2 Competition on Thursday 4th May 2023 with a nett score of 70, going out in 40 coming back in 40 with 10 pars beating David Bonser by 3 shots. Also, congratulations to Terry Unwin on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a nett score of 71, going out in 42 coming back in 47 with 2 birdies and 3 pars beating John Simpson by 4 shots. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 17 Playing Handicap
1st Kwan Wong 80 10 70 £16
2nd Dave Bonser 83 10 73 £14
3rd Steve Wilson 88 14 74 £12
4th Richard Grewcock 85 9 76 £10
5th Alasdair Carruthers 86 9 77 £ 8
Division 2 18+ Playing Handicap
1st Terry Unwin 89 18 71 £16
2nd John Simpson 98 23 75 (B9 38) £14
3rd Malc Belshaw 102 27 75 (B9 40) £12
4th Peter Bull 100 25 75 (B9 41) £10
5th Steven D'Arcy 101 26 75 (B9 41) £ 8 (Back 6)
51 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Mick Orton £5
Mark Robinson £5
Kelvin Dudley £5
Julian Ennis £5
Andrew Hunt £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Richard Bursztyn on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Men's Stableford Competition on Thursday 20th April 2023 with 34 points. Also, congratulations to Kelvin Dudley on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a score of 33 points. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 17 Playing Handicap
1st Richard Bursztyn 34 points £18
2nd John Bushell 33 points £16 (B9 17)
3rd Wayne Nixon 33 points £14 (B9 16)
4th Steve Schofield 33 points £12 (B9 15)
5th Stev Hawley 32 points £10 (B9 16)
6th Dave Hailwood 32 points £8 (B9 15)
Division 2 18+ Playing Handicap
1st Kelvin Dudley 33 points £18
2nd Paul Baker 32 points £16 (B9 15)
3rd Robert Jones 32 points £14 (B9 14)
4th Anil Patani 30 points £12
5th Les Hutchinson 29 points £10
An extra prize was paid out in the 1st division to reflect the split of the players.
60 Players took part
1 prize winner D/Q card not signed
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Ken Wong £5
Phil Gardie £5
Peter Fedorow £5
Steve D'Arcy £5
Paul Allen £5
Phil Harrison £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Richard Grewcock and Tim Hawkins on winning the Pairs American Greensome Medal competition on Thursday the 23rd of March 2023 with a score of 36 over 11 Holes (sorry for the confusion on the start sheet JS). The full results are below:-
1st Richard Grewcock & Tim Hawkins 36 £17 each
2nd Stu Newland & John Abbiss 37 £15 each
3rd Anil Patani & Marcus Beale 38 £13 each
4th Dave Bull & Drew Armstrong 40 £11 each
46 Players took part
Card draw (Random)
Stuart Thomson £5
Dave Bishell £5
Malcolm Leivers £5
Alasdair Carruthers £5
Steve Hawley £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to John Bushell on winning Division 1 of the Seniors Medalford Competition on Thursday 2nd March 2023 with a fantastic score of 11 points. Also, congratulations to Paul Baker on winning Division 2 of the above competition with a score of 9 points. If I hadn't scored a 12 on the first I would have done a lot better. The full results are below
Division 1 up to 17 Playing Handicap
1st John Bushell 11 points £18
2nd John Abbiss 13 points £16 (B9 20)
3rd Richard Grewcock 13 points £14 (B9 19)
4th Marcus Beale 13 points £12 (B9 18)
5th Mike Gilbert 14 points £10
6th Keith Evans 15 points £8 (B9 20)
Division 2 18+ Playing Handicap
1st Paul Baker 9 points £18
2nd Rob McWiliam 10 points £16
3rd John Simpson 12 points £14
4th Dennis Hawksworth 13 points £12 (B9 19)
5th Kelvin Dudley 13 points £10 B9 18)
6th Robert Jones 17 points £8
62 Players took part
Card draw (using a random number generator)
Malcolm Leivers £5
Tony Merrin £5
Phil Harrison £5
Ken Wong £5
Pete Evans £5
Terry Unwin £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Andrew Hunt, Malcolm Brown and Peter Bowler on winning the 3-Man Texas Scramble competition on Thursday the 23rd of February 2023 with a score of 58.8, The full results are below:-
1st Andrew Hunt, Malcolm Brown & Peter Bowler 58.8 £15 each
2nd Tony Gilbert, Malc Belshaw & Paul Baker 59.5 £12 each
3rd Dave Bull,Drew Armstrong & Peter Bull 59.6 £10 each
4th Wayne Nixon, Jeremy Hill & Mark Robinson 59.6 £8 each
2 Teams D/Q PLAYERS NOT SIGNED IN and card not completed correctly
55 Players took part
Card draw £5 each (using a random number generator)
Andy Beer
Neil Sanderson
Kelvin Dudley
Dennis Hawksworth
David Harrison
Phil Marriott
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Phil Marriott and Dave Walters on winning the Seniors Pairs Betterball Medal competition on Thursday the 16th of February 2023 with an amazing score of 59. The full results are below:-
1st Phil Marriott & Dave Walters 59 £17 each
2nd David Potter & Vincent Dale 61 £15 each
3rd Adrian Firth & Dan Duthie 62 £13 each (B9 32)
4th Dave Bonser & Stu Newland 62 £11 each( B9 33 )
5th Mike Gilbert & Tony Gilbert 63 £9 each( B9 32 )
6th Andrew Hunt & Wayne Nixon 63 £7 each( B9 34 )
59 Players took part
Card draw (RANDOM)
Phil Harrison £5
Rob McWilliam £5
John Hawley £5
Neil Sanderson £5
David Harrison £5
Robert Jones £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Phil Marriott and Alasdair Carruthers on winning the Pairs American Greensome Stableford competition on Thursday the 9th of February 2023 with a score of 42 points, The full results are below:-
1st Phil Marriott & Alasdair Carruthers 42 £17 each
2nd Stu Newland & John Abbiss 41 £15 each (B9 22)
3rd Mike Gilbert & Tony Gilbert 41 £13 each (B9 21)
4th Steve Hawley & Kelvin Dudley 40 £11 each
5th Neil Sanderson & Kevin Whelan 39 £ 9 each( B9 22 )
53 Players took part
Card draw (Random)
Graham Wilkins £5
David Harrison £5
Jeremy Hill £5
Ken Thurman £5
Dan Duthie £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Tony Gilbert, Mike Gilbert, Stuart Thomson and Malc Belshaw on winning the 4-man Team 656 Stableford competition on Thursday the 2nd of February 2023 with a score of 84 points, narrowly winning on the back 9. The full results are below:-
1st Tony Gilbert 84 £14 each
Mike Gilbert
S. Thomson
Malc Belshaw
2nd Carl Smith 83 £12 each
Dave Boultby (B9 58)
Terry Randle
Steve Bryan
3rd Paul Pike 83 £10 each
Patrick Galligan (B9 57)
Martin Melor
4th Anil Patani 83 £8 each
Phil Harrison (B9 55)
John Sallis
Marcus Beale
66 Players took part
Card draw £5 each (using a random number generator)
Richard Grewcock
Terry Unwin
Robert Jones
Tony Merrin
Chris Spilsbury
Kelvin Dudley
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Wayne Nixon and Mark Robinson on winning the Seniors Pairs Betterball Stableford competition on Thursday the 26th of January 2023 with an amazing score of 43 points, on 15 holes, narrowly beating Dave Bonser and Steve Bryan on the back 6. The full results are below:-
1st Wayne Nixon & Mark Robinson 43 £16 each (B6 17)
2nd Dave Bonser & Steve Bryan 43 £14 each (B6 16)
3rd Phil Hudson & Robert Jones 42 £12 each (B7 21)
4th Stuart Thomson & Malc Belshaw 42 £10 each( B7 20 )
5th Adrian Firth & Chris Spilsbury 42 £8 each( B7 17 )
2 Teams who were in the prizes were D/Q as a member of the team had NOT SIGNED INTO THE COMPETITION.
Please read the rules and sign into the comp via your phone or the Pro Shop before playing (we DO NOT like to D/Q Players)
47 Players took part
Card draw (RANDOM)
Peter Bull £5
Steve Schofield £5
John Simpson £5
Peter Bowler £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course
Congratulations to Archie McIntyre & Dennis Hawksworth on winning the Pairs Texas scramble competition on Thursday the 19th of January 2023 with a nett score of 60.85. , Full results are below
1st Archie McIntyre & Dennis Hawksworth 60,85 £16 each
2nd Bob Mercer & Adrian Firth 61.75 £14 each
3rd John Hawley & Vic Plumb 62.6 £12 each
4th Marcus Beale & Anil Patani 64.1 £10 each
5th Phil Hudson & Peter Bowler 64.4 £8 each
48 Players took part
Card draw (Random)
Andy Beer £5
John Sallis £5
Peter Bull £5
Steve Schofield £5
All winning will be credited to your bar card in due course