Seniors at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Seniors Captains Day Start Sheet & Presentation Result

Played on Thu 20th Jun 2024

Seniors Captains Tray

Congratulations to Stuart Thomson & Mike Gilbert on winning the Senior Captains Tray Competition on Thursday 20th June 2024 with a score of 44 points. narrowly beating Dave Bull & Drew Armstrong 43 points. Stuart obviously likes this trophy as he also won it last year (with a different brother). As this was an Honours Board Trophy they will again be presented with the Tray at our Annual Review and Presentations Day in November and their names will be added to the Seniors Honours Board in the Foyer. The full results are below

1st       Stuart Thomson & Mike Gilbert          44     £17 each 

2nd    Dave Bull & Drew Armstrong              43     £15 each 

3rd     Dave Hailwood & Steve Hawley         42     £13 each

4th     Richard Burzstyn & Dave Bonser       41     £11 each (B9 21)

55 Players took part

Card draw (you had to be there)
12 people who didn't stay for the presentation
Had their cards ceremoniously thrown

Phil Marriott          £5
Paul Northridge   £5
Keith ~Evans         £5
Andrew Kelly         £5
Graham Pretty     £5

All winnings should be paid promptly this week as the Treasurer won a prize 

View All Seniors Results