Social events at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Quiz Night January

Event held at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Quiz Night January

January Quiz Result

Another good turnout for the January quiz on the 16th of January 2025. 16 teams took part with over 100 people present (photos 2 and 3) and the clubhouse was full of Members, Family and Friends. It was good to see some new teams and the regulars who always help to make it a special social event, our first of the new year.

The winning team was the Wollaton Wanders. narrowly beating Taking the Quiz on a tie-break question. The winning team seen pictured (photo 1) with Captains Linda Shields and Phil James being presented with their prize of a Sunday carvery for 4 people, had an excellent score of 62 out of 65 (I need to tweak it just a little for next time).

The picture round proved to be a little easier this month, but I'll sort that out for February :) with the Dingbat shown in (photo 4) proving to be the hardest. Answer below

. The prize winners are below:-

1st   - Wollaton Wanderers         62 (Photo 1)
2nd - Taking the Quiz                  62 (tie  break)
3rd -  Bar 6                                      61 
4th -  Vice (Capt) Squad              61 (tie  break)
5th -  Sweet Sixteen                      60
6th - Nottso Clever                        59 (tie  break)


Sign up for the next Quiz on February 20th




Dingbat Answer

8 in a cube or in cube 8 = INCUBATE