Seniors Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Ladies Competition Results

Below are results for all ladies competitions

133 players entered the competition.

The Gillott Salver was won (on back 6) by Phil Marriott with a net score of 68.

Best Gross was won by James Ollis with a score of 75  - Prize: £25

Division 1                                                                    Nett           Prize

1   Phil Marriott                                                           68               £40

2  Craig Roebuck (on back 9)                               70               £30

3  James Ollis (on back 6)                                     70               £20

4 Stuart Thomson                                                    70                £10

Division 2                                                                  Nett            Prize

1  Ian Broadhurst                                                      68               £40

2 Kevin Murray (on back 9)                                   70               £30

3 Sam Birkin (on back 6)                                       70               £20

4 Dave Bishell                                                           70                £10

Division 3                                                                  Nett            Prize

1  Alan Carter                                                             69             £40

2 Richard Smith                                                        70              £30

3 Peter Bull                                                                 71               £20

4 Lucas Granville (on back 6)                               73              £10

Congratulations to all of the winners

Monies will be put on your Pro shop accounts

The Comps Team

There were 16 entrants to the Barnsdale Cup qualifier. The knockout stages have now been drawn and are available to view under knockouts on ClubV1.

18 holes stableford results

Division 1: Winner Pam Hannam, Runner up Jayne Barrs
Division 2: Winner Flick Britton, Runner up Sue Ellis
Division 3: Winner Sue Firth, Runner up Val Tyman

9 holes stableford results

Winner Jackie Hilton, Runner up Diane Lavelle

78 players entered the competition

Best gross was Kev Newbold with a score of 78, winning £20.

Division 1

1st Kev Newbold  67 - £25

2nd Lance Rosie CB 71 - £20

3rd Stu Newland 71 - £10

Division 2

1st John Abbiss 70 - £25

2nd Phil Gardie 71 - £20

3rd Kevin Burns 72 - £10

Division 3

1st Phil Hudson CB 71 - £25

2nd Mark Robinson 71 - £20

3rd Ken Thurman CB  72 - £10

Prizes will be applied to bar accounts in due course.


The Comps Team

1st Division

1st Gurdip Matharu +2             £40
2nd Richard Grewcock +1       £30
3rd Tony Stumpf Level. cpo     £20

2nd Division

1st Kieran Diver +6.           £40
2nd Stephen Sellers +2.   £30
3rd Tony Gilbert +1.           £20

3rd Division

Adam Newton +5             £40
Lee Earwicker +5.           £30
Chris Young.   +1.           £20

Congratulations to Kieran Diver who won the Presidents Bowl
Congratulations Also to Karen Gilbert who won the Ladies Competition.

Well done to all the winners, Monies will be put on your Pro Shop Acounts

Thank you to all those played and all those who attended the Presidents dinner on Saturday evening

Thank you

Comps Team

The Ladies President's Bowl was won by Karen Gilbert with a score of 30 points. Congratulations to Karen who wins the President's Bowl trophy presented by Mrs F Mitchell in 1952.

18 holes stableford results

Division 1: Winner Karen Gilbert, Runner up Jayne Barrs
Division 2: Winner Flick Britton, Runner up Sue Pannell
Division 3: Winner Julie Smith, Runner up Caroline West

9 holes stableford results

Winner Jenny Hayes, Runner up Jan Foulds

Due to weather and course conditions, these competitions were run as non qualifying

18 hole stableford Results

Division 1: Winner Sue Northridge, Runner up Alison Pitkethly

Division 2: Winner Caroline West, Runner up Julie Smith

9 hole stableford Results

Winner Anne Thomas, Runner up Carol Wheeler

Beeston Fields Golf Club

Mixed Stableford 30/3/24

Division 1

1st Alasdair Carruthers 25 Points. £35

2nd Dan Duthie 24 points. £20

3rd Mark Coolin 23 points. Cpo £15 cpo

4th Stuart Thompson. 23 points £10

Division 2

1st Rob Newman 25 points. £35

2nd Chris Elvidge 24 points. Cpo. £20

3rd Dave. Bishell 24 points. £15

4th David Walters. 23 points. £10

Division 3

1st Adrian Firth 23 points £35

2nd Kevin Dudley. 22 points Cpo. £20

3rd Pete Bull. 22 points Cpo. £15

4th. Mick Brooke 22 points £10

Congratulations to all of the winners

Some scores are slightly different due to the 5th and 17th being played as a par 3 on Saturday

Monies paid onto Pro shop accounts

Please remember to always put your card into the computer after your round.

Thank you

Comps Team

101 players entered the competition.

Division 1                
1    Matt Padgett (on countback)    26 points    £30         
2    Lee Hunt    26 points    £25        
3    Mark Tomlin    25 points    £15        
4    Alasdair Carruthers (on countback)    24 points    £10        

Division 2                
1    Roger Spowage    27 points    £30         
2    Dave Bishell    26 points    £25        
3    Chris Marshall    25 points    £15        
4    Tony Gilbert (on countback)    24 points    £10        

Division 3                
1    Mick Brooke    28 points    £30         
2    Robert Jones    27 points    £25        
3    Terry Randle (on countback)    26 points    £15        
4    Richard Chamberlain (on countback)    26 points    £10        

Well done to all the winners - prizes will be credited to bar accounts in due course.

Comps Team

54 pairs took part in the competition.

Congratulations to the prize winners who were:

1st   Andrew Hunt / Chris Elvidge - 40 points  (£35 each)

2nd  John Bushell / Kevin Brown - 37 points (on count back) (£30 each)

3rd  Craig Bushell / Kevin Newbold - 37 points (£25 each)

4th  Vince Dale / David Potter - 35 points (on count back) (£20 each)

5th  Drew Armstrong / Peter Bull - 35 points (on count back) (£15 each)

All points totals with 5th hole scored as a Par 3

Prizes will be credited to bar accounts in due course


The Comps Team

1 Adam Newton Lee Earwicker Richard Chamberlain John Robinson.       Net 45 £25 each

2 Kevin Hard Dave Boultby Matthew Padgett Carl Smith.                                Net 51 £20 each

3 Robert Evans Kevin Murray Terry Unwin Chris Young.                                   Net 52 £15 each

4 Tony Gilbert John Hawley Mick McClure Mark Jones.                                   Net 53 £12 each

5 Phil Hudson Mark Brook Chris Nixon Travis Nixon.                                         Net 53 £10 each

34 teams entry .



1st Robin Bailey 32 points. £40

2nd Kevin Hard 31 points £25

3rd Stuart Thompson 30 points CPO  £15

4th John Hawley 30 points £10


1st Steven Pell 35 points £40

2nd Chris Elvidge 34 points Cpo £25

3rd Jordan Oldham 34 points £15

4th James Shields 33 points £10


1st Mick Brooke 38 points £40

2nd Robert Jones 36 points £25

3rd Lee Earwicker 34 points £15

4th Steven Ellerton 33 points £10

All monies to be paid to your Pro shop acounts 

Congratulations to all Winners


Comps team

Congratulations to the following winners:

1st with 83 points

£30 each

Vincent Dale

David Potter

Geoff Hind

Mike Richardson

2nd with 79 points (back 9, 30 points)

£20 each

Andrew Hunt

Malcolm Brown

Chris Elvidge

Peter Bowler

3rd with 79 points (back 9, 27 points)

£15 each

John Abbiss

Stu Newland

David Bonser

Robert Jones

Comps Team

57 pairs took part in the competition.

Congratulations to the prize winners who were:

1st    Andrew Hunt / Peter Bowler    - 37 points  (on countback) (£35 each)

2nd Linda Shields / James Shields   - 37 points  (on countback) (£30 each)

3rd  Rob Newman / Mick Brooke      - 37 points  (£25 each)

4th  Chris Spilsbury / Alan Horton    - 36 points  (on countback) (£20 each)

5th  Ken Thurman / Dennis Hawksworth  - 36 points (£15 each)

6th  Glynn Cartledge / Adrian Hardy  - 35 points (on countback) (£10 each)

Prizes will be credited to bar accounts in due course.

The Comps Team

Thanks to everyone who took part in the Hamper Scamper.  The competition was closely contested, with prizes going to the top 5 pairs as follows:

1st Paul Channon & David Leong, 38 points (on countback) - winning a Christmas Treats Sack each

2nd Kevin Newbold & Matthew Newbold, 38 points - winning a Merlot & Pate Gift Set each

3rd Julian Niblett & Simon Hunt, 37 points (on countback) - winning a Prosecco & Chocolate Gift Box each

4th Robert Jones & Mark Brook, 37 points (on countback) - winning a Taste of Christmas Gift Bag each

5th Graham Bielby & William Hurrell, 37 points (on countback) - winning an Edinburgh Preserves Christmas Tree Gift each

Can prize winners please collect your prizes from the Pro-Shop from Tuesday afternoon onwards.  Please collect as soon as you are able to free up valuable space in the Pro-Shop!


Comps Team

Div 1

Ben Adams.                    74-7-67.       £40

Stu Newland.                  79-9-70.       £25

Gordon Arnott.               81-10-71.     £15

Richard Grewcock.        82-10-72.     £10

Div 2

Paul Pike.                       82-13-69.       £40

Mike Gilbert.                  82-12-70.       £25

Mark Clifford.                85-13-72.       £15

Bradley Janicki.            85-12-73.       £10

Div 3

Craig Bushell.               90-19-71.         £40

John Boyce.                  98-26-72.         £25

Dennis Hawksworth.   96-22-74.         £15

Andrew Beer.                98-24-74.         £10

The winner of the Millenium Trophy is Ben Adams

Congratulations to all Winners

Winnings will be paid to your bar account 

Thank you to all of the 32 teams that took part in the Captain's charity day competition. 

Congratulations to the winning teams.

The prize winners were:

1st  Sam Birkin, Julian Davies, Nick Austin, Mann Hans.   81 points, winning £30 each.

2nd Malcolm Belshaw, Mike Gilbert, Mark Robinson, Stuart Thomson.  78 points winning £20 each.

3rd  Phil Marriott, Alasdair Carruthers, Richard Grewcock, Tim Hawkins.  77 points (B9) winning £15 each

4th  Ross McCarter, John Boyce, Mark Newbold, Bradley Janicki.  77 points winning £10 each

Prizes will be credited to bar accounts in due course.

Division One

1 Jake Benson.   67 - -3 - 70 £20
2 Mark Coolin.    79 - 7.   - 72. £15

3 Ian Golledge.    77- 5.   - 72 £10

4 Dan Duthie.       84-11   - 73 £5

Division Two

1 Mike Gilbert.    84- 12  - 72 £20

2 Dave Bettridge 90-18 -72 £15

3 Matt Newbold 89-16-  73 £10

4 Drew Armstrong 89-16-73 £5

Division Three 

1 Pete Bowler.        90-21- 69 £20

2 Andrew Kelly.     98-26  72 £15

3 Bob Mercer.         99-26 73 £10

4 Bill Litchfield.    96 - 21-75 £5

Lowest Gross - Jake Benson -67 £15

Invitation Day Results:

1st  Darren Batchford & Partner 47points.       £80 each

2nd  Jerry Skinner & Partner. 45 points.       £65 each

3rd Dave Wilford & Partner 43 Cpo.       £40 each

4th Greg Purdue and Partner 43points.      £25 each 

Nearest the Pin on 3rd  Nick Austin  £20

Nearest the Pin on 14th  Greg Purdue £20

Thank you to all that played 

Congratulations to all the winners

Monies will be paid onto your proshop account for both you and your partner

There were also 8 x 2's

With thanks

Comps Team

Best gross was Jake Benson with a fantastic 67 winning £20.

Division 1

1st Jake Benson 69 - £25

2nd Ron Owen CB 70 - £20

3rd John Hawley CB 70 - £15

Division 2

1st Tony Gilbert 69 - £25

2nd David Bettridge 71 - £20

3rd Rob Newman 72 - £15

Division 3

1st Jim Shields CB 68 - £25

2nd John Simpson CB 68 - £20

3rd Alan Carter 72 - £15

Bar card accounts will be updated.

Thanks to all 32 teams that took part in the team Am-Am in support of Junior Section Funds.  The pizewinners were:

1st  Stu Thomson, Mike Gilbert, Tony Gilbert, Andy Hunt - 89 Points, winning £30 each

2nd Ken Thurman, Dennis Hawksworth, Michael Orton, George Renwick - 88 Points, winning £20 each

3rd  Christopher Young, Tim Hawkins, Dave Rippin, Tom Shiers - 86 Points, winning £15 each

Prizes will be credited to bar acoounts in due course.

Congratulations to the Thursday Medal Final winner Ken Wong with a nett 72. 

Best gross was Jake Benson with a 77 winning £20.

Division 1

1st Tony Stumpf CB 69 - £25

2nd Glynn Cartledge CB 69 - £20

3rd Mark Coolin CB 69 - £15

Division 2

1st Dave Halstead 67 - £25

2nd James Hilton CB 71 - £20

3rd Mann Hans CB 71 - £15

Division 3

1st Matthew Newbold CB 72 - £25

2nd Les Hutchinson CB 72 - £20

3rd Ken Bird 74 - £15

Div 1

1st Charlie Jones 38 points cpo  £40

2nd Dave Hailwood 38 points      £30

3rd  Kent Heselton 38 points       £20

4th  Ronald Owen 36 points        £15

Div 2

1st  Phil Harrison 38points         £40

2nd Christopher Young 37 pts    £30

3rd  Peter Wightman  36 pts       £20

4th  Dave Halstead  35pts           £15

Div 3

1st Mark Robinson 42 pts           £40

2nd Puran Rana 41pts                  £30

3rd  Roger Spowage 40pts          £20

4th  Tim Warren 39pts                  £15

The Winner of Captain's Cup was Mark Robinson with a fantastic score of 42 points

Well done to all of the winners

Monies will be paid onto your Pro shop account 

There were 75 players who entered the competition.

The lowest scratch score was by Jaime Brice with a 74 winning £20.

Division 1

1st Pete Benson 71 CB £25

2nd Phil Marriott 71 CB £20

3rd Lee Hunt 73 CB £10

Division 2

1st K M Wong 70 £25

2nd Peter Wightman 71 £20

3rd Graham Pretty 72 £10

Division 3

1st Paul Allen 68 £25

2nd Robert Jones 69 £20

3rd Michael Orton 70 CB £10

48 players entered the Breakfast competition, which was a shotgun start with a full buffet breakfast to follow.

The results were:

1st    Stuart Rae – 39 points (on back 9) - £30
2nd  Dave Andrews – 39 points (on back 9) - £25
3rd   Ross Carter – 39 points  - £20
4th  Yohan Dassanaike – 38 points (on back 9) - £15
5th  Adrian Firth – 38 points - £10

Prizes will be added to bar accounts shortly.

Comps Team

Showing 25 to 48 of 139 Result(s)