SAS Evening event at Beeston Fields Golf Club

SAS Evening

Event held at Beeston Fields Golf Club

SAS Evening

It was fantastic to see the Walled Garden so full for the SAS Evening. An excellent three course meal was followed by a fascinating presentation from Robin Horsfall who gave an insight into his long military career, including a detailed account of his role in the 1980 storming of the Iranian embassy by the SAS.  

A raffle and charity auction were held and the evening raised around £4,000 to be split between Julia’s House, a children’s hospice in Dorset supported by Robin, and the Captains’ Charity Ben’s Den, which provides seaside holidays for families of children with cancer or leukaemia.  A huge thanks to Julian Niblett for organising the evening and for his fantastic efforts in securing donations of prizes for the raffle and silent auction.