Event held at Beeston Fields Golf Club
Another good turnout for the January quiz on the 16th of January 2025. 16 teams took part with over 100 people present (photos 2 and 3) and the clubhouse was full of Members, Family and Friends. It was good to see some new teams and the regulars who always help to make it a special social event, our first of the new year.
The winning team was the Wollaton Wanders. narrowly beating Taking the Quiz on a tie-break question. The winning team seen pictured (photo 1) with Captains Linda Shields and Phil James being presented with their prize of a Sunday carvery for 4 people, had an excellent score of 62 out of 65 (I need to tweak it just a little for next time).
The picture round proved to be a little easier this month, but I'll sort that out for February :) with the Dingbat shown in (photo 4) proving to be the hardest. Answer below
. The prize winners are below:-
1st - Wollaton Wanderers 62 (Photo 1)
2nd - Taking the Quiz 62 (tie break)
3rd - Bar 6 61
4th - Vice (Capt) Squad 61 (tie break)
5th - Sweet Sixteen 60
6th - Nottso Clever 59 (tie break)
Dingbat Answer
8 in a cube or in cube 8 = INCUBATE