Seniors Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Emergency Contact Numbers Are Now Live

News article for the Seniors Section

Emergency Contact Numbers Are Now Live

Emergency Contact Numbers Are Now Live

Emergency Contact Numbers Are Now Live

We really hope we never have to use this but if you require an EMERGENCY CONTACT NUMBER for a Senior Member and they are one of the 60 that have provided that information to me. 
All you have to do is phone a member of the Seniors Committee who will have access to and will provide you with that information. The committee members phone numbers are available from the Committee page of the Website. I strongly recommend that you all put at least one of the Committee Members phone numbers into your phone to save time.

If you have not provided me with the information I suggest you email me with;-

SUBJECT = Emergency Contact Number

Your Name                                                      .........................................

Emergency Contact Name                         .........................................

Relationship                                                    ........................................

Emergency Contact Phone Number       ........................................

I will gladly collate this information on behalf of the BFGC Seniors Section
Many thanks to the people who have already supplied their details

Best Regards
John Simpson
Seniors Secretary

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Date published: Mon 18th Oct 2021
Author: John Simpson
Updated: Mon 18th Oct 2021