Mens Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Late withdrawal from comps

News article for the Mens Section

Late withdrawal from comps

Late withdrawal from comps

We are still seeing a number of no shows during peak times on Saturdays (up to 12.30) which means those tee timess are not available for others and can lead to members being unable to play in the competition. In line with pre-lockdown compeition rules, from Saturday 14th May, PLAYERS WILL BE CHARGED THE ENTRANCE FEE OF £3 for non-attendance when booked into a competition only tee-time up to 12.30 after the tee-sheet is locked on Friday afternoon.

These are premium tee times and we are trying to ensure they are as available as possible to members wishing to play in comps. This will not apply for genuine last minute issues communicated to the pro-shop. We don't intend to, but we reserve the right to impose bans on players for repeat behaviour. Thanks in advance for your support.


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Date published: Thu 5th May 2022
Author: Mann Hans
Updated: Thu 5th May 2022