Mens Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Club Championship and Carlisle Benson Trophy

News article for the Mens Section

Club Championship and Carlisle Benson Trophy

Club Championship and Carlisle Benson Trophy

The annual club championship was held over the weekend of 29th/30th June. The Vice Captain presented the Carlisle Benson Trophy to the winner, Darren Batchford, after he posted an impressive net score over the two days of 132. Many congratulations, Darren.

Jake Benson won the the Scratch Cup and retains his status as Club Champion with a gross score of 148, just pipping the overnight leader, James Ollis, by one shot. Unfortunately, Jake was unable to attend the presentation, due to work committments but our congratulations go to him also.

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Date published: Mon 1st Jul 2024
Author: Geoff Bryan
Updated: Mon 1st Jul 2024