Ladies Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Winter Running Comps 2021-22

News article for the Ladies Section

Winter Running Comps 2021-22

Congratulations to the winners of the Ladies winter running competitions for 2021/22.

These were presented at the Spring meeting meal on Tuesday April 12th.

Winter League winners (Division A & B) were Eunice Rice and Sally Bull. Runners up were Yvonne Brook and Jane Eden.

The winner of the May Hill Trophy for the Winter Eclectic season was Carol Bancroft, with Val Tyman the other divisional winner. Divisional runners up were Jenny Smith and Yvonne Brook. Diane Lavelle won the 9 hole winter eclectic.

Well done all

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Date published: Wed 13th Apr 2022
Author: Sue Northridge
Updated: Wed 13th Apr 2022