Ladies Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Ladies Away Weekend - Greetham Valley - July 2022

News article for the Ladies Section

Ladies Away Weekend - Greetham Valley - July 2022

27 Ladies enjoyed 2 days away at Greetham Valley at the end of July and enjoyed the challenges of both the Lakes and Valley courses over the 2 days.

Congratulations to the team winners from both days:

On Sunday, with 99 points on the Valley course the winners were: Annette Amery, Kate Smith, Val Tyman and Diane Lavelle

On Monday, with 103 points on the Lakes course the winner were: Lynda Alliott, Linda Shields, Sue Firth and Diane Lavelle

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Date published: Tue 2nd Aug 2022
Author: Sue Northridge
Updated: Tue 2nd Aug 2022