Ladies Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Annodata 2022 - Round 2 result

News article for the Ladies Section

Annodata 2022 - Round 2 result

On Sunday May 22nd 2022, with the sun shining, Beeston Fields Ladies' Annodata team travelled the short distance to Erewash Valley Golf Club for their first match this season in this competition.

The team: Alison Pitkethly, Karen Gilbert, Lindsay Carruthers, Lynda Alliott and Diana Clarke were well prepared for a very tough match but the local knowledge of the course and the background roar of the M1 were penalties we couldn't avoid.

We lost the match 3.5 to 1.5, with all matches closely contested.

Well played to everyone and thank you for playing. Thank you also to Jenny Smith for acting as team captain on the day

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Date published: Thu 2nd Jun 2022
Author: Sue Northridge
Updated: Thu 2nd Jun 2022