General Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Summer Running Knockouts - Entries now open until 31st March

News article for the General Section

Summer Running Knockouts - Entries now open until 31st March

Summer Running Knockouts - Entries now open until 31st March

Entries for the following Men’s and Mixed summer running Honours Board knockouts are now open for entry on ClubV1 and HowDidIDo. The closing date for entries is 31st March. Please ensure your comps account is topped up as the £3 entry fees are taken on entering each event.

Scratch Singles - Men’s singles scratch matchplay

Willows Cup - Men’s singles matchplay

Summer Pairs - Men’s better ball matchplay (enter as a pair)

Tanner Cup - Mixed foursomes matchplay (1 man, 1 lady)

Bramcote Foursomes - Men’s foursomes matchplay (enter individually with a draw for partners)

Lowe Family Foursomes - Mixed foursomes matchplay (any combination with a family connection)

View All General Articles

Date published: Thu 23rd Mar 2023
Author: Steve Bryan
Updated: Thu 23rd Mar 2023