General Golf at Beeston Fields Golf Club

Presentation evening - Friday 11th November 6pm (for 6.30pm)

News article for the General Section

Presentation evening - Friday 11th November 6pm (for 6.30pm)

Presentation evening - Friday 11th November 6pm (for 6.30pm)

The annual presentation evening for all of the Honours Board and other trophy winners is being held on Friday 11th November. Food will be available from 6pm, with presentations starting at 6.30pm

We would very much like to see as many winners and their guests joining us as possible. If you are a winner, put this date in your diary. The list of winners - to confirm attendance is now up on the notice board in the foyer outstide the snooked room.

We will be providing light refreshments to those that are attending.

Dave and Sue will also be presenting a cheque to their Captain's charity - the British Heart Foundation at the start of the evening

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Date published: Thu 10th Nov 2022
Author: Sue Northridge
Updated: Thu 10th Nov 2022